Refund Policy 


To initiate a return or refund, the item must be returned in its original condition and packaging. The refund process will be completed within 5-7 days.

If you wish to return or replace an item, you can submit a request through the "My Order" section of the app within two days of receiving the item. Only unused, unworn, unwashed, undamaged items with intact tags and labels, in their original packaging, and eligible for return can be returned or replaced.

Once you request a return, a pick-up date will be scheduled. Our courier partners will collect the item within 3-5 business days after receiving the return request. The reimbursement process will commence once the return is processed.

If you need to cancel your order, you can do so within 48 hours of placing it through the "My Order" section. Please send an email to to request the cancellation.


For a refund, ensure that the items are unused and still in their original packaging. If an item is defective, broken, or sent to you in error, you can request a replacement. We may require a video of the unpacking process to provide further assistance.

If you need to exchange the item for the same product, please contact us at


Logistics Partners:

Our ability to deliver goods within India and other countries or regions is dependent on our logistics partners.

Domestic Logistics Partners:

We work with reputable courier services to deliver packages nationwide. Delivery typically takes 3-8 working days.

Delivery availability depends on the areas covered by our courier partners.

Please Note: If the outer packaging of the delivery appears to be tampered with, such as being ripped, crushed, or damaged in any way, you have the right to refuse acceptance of the delivery. You can also write your complaints on the proof of delivery slip.


product name

Product Info

SKU: Category: Subcategory: